The baby monitor goes off again. The baby is crying.
"This is my third time, tonight! (sigh) Ok, I'm coming."
Sound familiar? Whether you are in the thick of it, or newborn life is in your near future here is some quick, easy hacks to get back into your groove while balancing real life, and sleep in 2 hour increments.
Wash your face before 'bed' and when you're officially moving out of the bed to the couch phase. I promise it makes you feel like a new person.
Moisturizer. Lips seem always be so d*** chap in that newborn phase, and when we are struggling with remembering our daily water needs.
Get your legs moving in someway every day. Even doing cat/cow counts.
WATER. Need I say more?
Take the shower. Take the bath. Pop baby into a bouncy chair. It may be quick, but at least you got some bubbles on your body.
BABY CARRIER for naps that never seem to be happening. It's like baby sleepy dust is written all over them.
Think quick and easy meals. Frozen vegetables never hurt anybody and can still pack a healthy punch for the digestive tract that needs possibly some extra guidance during this time period.
Use sleeping masks to try to squeeze in some extra shut eye when you get the chance. I know, I KNOW! I found it a miracle when I could do this. It's a good thought, okay!
Remember that tomorrow is a new day. This new parent life is not for the faint of heart, but those newborn snuggles go soooo quickly. Give yourself a break and binge watch a little TV. They aren't going to tell anyone, and then you have an excuse to snuggle. :)
This list may sound silly to you, but I enjoy my work as a doula and I too have to continue to embrace these concepts as a full-time Mom and overnight postpartum doula. Life continues on regardless and I have to make sure I can keep up!
Your Doula,